Never Have I Ever Questions for Teens

Never Have I Ever Questions for Teens

If you and your friends always play boring games and don't know what to play when you all hang out then check out these interesting never have I ever questions for teens.

60 never have I ever questions for teens.

Never have I ever is a very interesting game that you can play with your friends at school or a party. But remember while

Playing this game you have to be honest. 


You can play this game with drinks or without drinks. And the more the people the more fun game this game will be. So here are some never have I ever questions for teens. 


1.Never have I ever laughed so hard during a crisis.


2. Never have I ever slipped within the toilet before.


3. Never have I ever sent the incorrect message to the incorrect person.


4. Never have I ever urinated during a comfort station.


5. Never have I ever kissed anyone before.


6. Never have I ever run far away from home.


7. Never have I ever said anything bad to to to a few people.


8. Never have I ever used Facebook before.


9. Never have I ever slapped anyone.


10. Never have I ever said anything in my crush.


11. Never have I ever cried in school before.


12. Never have I ever kissed anyone else's partner.


13. Never have I ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend before.


14. Never have I ever scolded anyone before.


15. Never have I ever shaved my legs before.


16. Never have I ever sung within the shower before.


17. Never have I ever betrayed anyone.


18. Never have I ever stolen anything.


19. Never have I ever watched a movie rated R.


20. Never have I ever said I loved you initially.


21. Never have I ever been out without my parents knowing where I am. 


22. Never have I ever been drunk.


23. Never have I ever stolen someone else's claim


24. Never have I ever pretended to vomit to miss school.


25. Never have I ever worn a loose-fitting bra.


26. Never have I ever wore clothes that weren't allowed in class.


27. Never have I ever been called to the principal's office.


28. Never have I ever kissed anyone older than me


29. Never have I ever broke bone playing games.


30. Never have I ever lied to anyone after knowing the reality anyway.


31. Never have I ever lied to an educator.


32.Never have I ever lied about my grades.


33. Never have I ever fought for reduction of grades.


34. Never have I ever been jealous of my friends.


35. Never have I ever danced publicly.


36. Never have I ever cried during a school bathroom.


37. Never have I ever beaten my sibling.


38. Never have I ever wished I were the other sex.


39. Never have I ever been ashamed before my crush.


40. Never have I ever been seriously injured.


41. Never have I ever tried to seem sort of a celebrity.


42. Never have I ever had an accident.


43. Never have I ever passed notes in school.


44. Never have I ever liked any teacher.


45. Never have I ever asked a lover to let someone know that I real


46. Never have I ever been to a faculty dance.


47. ​​Never have I ever been jealous of my friends.


48. Never have I ever hated anyone.


49. Never have I ever stolen someone else's food.


50. Never have I ever done anything embarrassing in school


51. Never have I ever tried to take a seat next to my crush in school.


52. Never have I ever went to a club.


53. Never have I ever gifted someone anything expensive.


54. Never have I ever touched a guy.


55. Never have I ever cried in washroom alone.


56. Never have I ever eaten anything weird.


57. Never have I ever talked to strangers to know their names.


58. Never have I ever wanted to leave school.


59. Never have I ever travelled by public transport.


60. Never have I never seen a game of thrones.

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